Upcoming Events
Past Events
14.02.2025 : Mayhem, Copenhagen, Denmark – Jac Berrocal + David Fenech + Vincent Epplay + Jørgen Teller + P.o. Jørgens
13.02.2025 : Tyrkis, Aarhus, Denmark – Jac Berrocal + David Fenech + Vincent Epplay + Jørgen Teller + P.o. Jørgens + Randi Pontoppidan
11.02.2025 : In-discourse AB, Malmø, Sweden – Jac Berrocal + David Fenech + Vincent Epplay + Jørgen Teller + P.o. Jørgens
17.12.2024: olympic café, paris, france – trio with Jac Berrocal + Vincent Epplay + guests MP Rixain, Marie Möör. Also playing : Marie Möör (solo)
30.10.2024: chair de poule, paris, france – Broken Impro 53, with Claire Gapenne, Tom Val, Paul Laurent, Alex Fogelgesang, Chan Chan and Mecano Lacrymo
19.07.2024: café de paris, paris, france – Duet with MP Rixain. also playing : nova materia, roro shitfolk, eau de source, ryosuke kiyasu, conductor
02.04.2024: le chair de poule, paris, france – as guest of Jorgen Teller. Duet improvisation.
15.03.2024: le générateur, gentilly, france – Sonic Protest Festical 2024. as part of L’imperfectible Orchestre du Chair De Poule, with Sonia Terhzaz, Nicolas Mangione, Jeanne Gorisse-Maerten, Cyril Lacaud, Jeanne Lacaud, David Mehl, Thalie Amossé, Alda Lamieva, Martin Etienne, Tom Val, Claire Sixmonstre & family, Poli Renéleis Jessica Macor, Thomas Karamazov, Cécile Ménez, Marie Baxerres, Louzy Jorge, Hélène Stiefel, Vandy Roc, Nicolas Beaumelle, Pauline Roches, Arnaud Bailly, Six Cent Quatre Anderson, Raccourci d’Atome aka Julien, Emy aka Redbird Inkdark, Marius Atherton, Hugues Chadebec, Violette Subra, Jérémie Glafouk, Bohême Pichard Despres, Tadao Takeuchi, Simon Lapi, Mathilde Proy, Étienne Périn, Léo, Sandra Giura Longo, Christophe Henry aka Poulet, Marina Goussina, Jean Levrain, Nicolas Hue.
18.01.2024: la mecanique ondulatoire, paris, france – trio with Jac Berrocal + Vincent Epplay + guests Caroline Dorka-Fenech, Tom Val, Jeremy Chinour. Also playing : Marie Delta
18.01.2024: pop culture shop, paris, france – Mountains Of Night LP release party.
25.11.2023: mediatheque georges brassens, orsay, france – with Caroline Dorka-Fenech and Géraldine Alibeu.
17.10.2023: instants chavirés, montreuil, france – as part of L’imperfectible Orchestre du Chair De Poule, with Sonia Terhzaz, Thierry Müller, Hélène Stiefel, Romain Perrot, Marina Goussina, Cécile Ménez, Sebastien Farcy, Louzy Jorge, Claire Sixmonstre, EL Hassen, Tom Val, Arnaud Bailly, Pauline Roches, Tadao Takeuchi, Alda Lamieva, Guillaume Cardin, Jeanne Gorisse-Maerten, Samuel Falafel, Étienne Périn, Martin Etienne, Flop, Thomas Karamazov, Cyril Lacaud, Marie Garambois, Poulet, Six Cent Quatre Anderson, Jérémie Glafouk, Flora Michal, David Mehl, Julien Goussina, Marius Atherton, Hugues Chadebec et Julien Courbe
06.10.2023: café de paris, paris, france – duet with rhys chatham, trio with dominique grimaud & veronique vilhet. also playing : ela orleans
05.01.2023: le chair de poule, paris, france – as part of La Chorale du Chair de Poule, with Emmanuelle Parrenin, Flop, etc
19.11.2022: Musik Teater og Kunstforeningen Baghold, Copenhagen, Denmark – Duet with Pierre Bastien + improvisations with Macromassa, Peter Ole Jørgens, Jørgen Teller
18.11.2022: Musikhuset Elværket, Helsingør, Denmark – Duet with Pierre Bastien.
07.11.2022: chiesa san barbaziano, bologna, italy – Duet with Pierre Bastien.
15.06.2022: le chair de poule, paris, france – Broken Impro 10, with Fred Marty, Tristan Macé, Bubu Lulu, Célestine de Williencourt, Nico Guerrero, Roberto Robao, Alex Rio.
12.06.2022: hotel la lousiane, paris, france – performance with Dorothée Selz, Virginie Di Ricci, Constantin Leu, Jean Marc Musial, Franck Ancel.
18.05.2022: mjc palente, besançon, france – with Caroline Dorka-Fenech and Géraldine Alibeu.
17.05.2022: mjc palente, besançon, france – with Caroline Dorka-Fenech and Géraldine Alibeu.
12.05.2022: replugged, vienna, austria – duet with Rhys Chatham. also playing : Martin Siewert + Christian Reiner.
03.04.2022: mediatheque francoise sagan, paris, france – with Caroline Dorka-Fenech and Géraldine Alibeu.
26.03.2022: la muse en circuit, alfortville, france – duet with yoann thommerel, as part of Les Echappées Festival.
11.12.2021: plateforme, paris, france – solo show. also playing : denis frajerman solo.
20.10.2021: theatre aleph, ivry, france – duet with dancer Lorna Lawrie, as part of En Chair et En Sons Festival.
02.10.2021: donaufestival, krems, austria – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay. also playing : Deena Abdelwahed, Black Country New Road, Stephen O’Malley, Bendik Giske, Kali Malone , Lucy Railton…
30.09.2021: cinema louxor, paris, france – premiere of the movie Oeil Oignon by Michel Zumpf
02.07.2021: la parole errante, montreuil, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay (sonic protest festival)
26.06.2021: librairie l’impromptu, paris, france – Release party for “Madame Hibou Cherche Appartement”, with Caroline Dorka-Fenech + Géraldine Alibeu
25.12.2020: les oreilles libres, radio libertaire, france – tribute to Thomas Bernhard, with Delphine Dora, Mathias Dufil, Fred Loudeche, Hervé Dauphin, Now Cut, Cyril Touzé, Romuald Giulivo, Scène From Salad, Patricia Favreau, Tyranic Toy
10.10.2020: espace topographie de l’art, paris, france – solo, as part of “epaisseur du temps photographique” exhibition
12.09.2020: festival FKK, nuremberg, germany – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay. also playing: Fehler Kuti, Mazen Kerbaj, Franz Hautzinger
17.04.2020: radio libertaire, paris, france – 2H mix for Les Oreilles Libres
04.03.2020: quai de bourbon, paris, france – duet with laurent perrier. also playing : Luca Ventimiglia + Augustin Bette
03.03.2020: espace b, paris, france – Espace Barré festival. solo show. also playing : Handle , CIA Debutante
27.02.2020: le zorba, paris, france – duet with laurent perrier. also playing : Simon Henocq + Luca Ventimiglia
21.02.2020: antichambre 2, hotel nouvelle republique, paris, france – duet with pierre escot.
20.02.2020: gare experimentale, paris, france – duet with pierre escot. also playing gerome nox, human koala.
27.12.2019 : radio libertaire, paris, france – cover version of boris vian song Je Bois.
11.12.2019 : la clef, paris, france – solo, playing on Entracte movie (René Clair). also playing vierge noire (sigolene valax, leo dupleix, anna gaiotti)
05.10.2019 : westwerk, hamburg, germany – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay. special guests : felix kubin + jean hervé peron. papiripar festival. also playing : aaron dilloway, ka baird, la chatte.
07.09.2019 : souffle continu, paris, france– DJ Set for Nurse With Wound list release party. also playing : Rainier Lericolais, Marc-Antoine Beaufils, Thierry Müller, Quentin Rollet, Franck Marguin, Laurent Perrier, Ozkär Krapö
05.07.2019 : le chair de poule, paris, france – as part of Klimperei. also playing : Sacha Czerwone, Micusnule , Denis Frajerman
17.06.2019 : espace b, paris, france– solo show + duet with ramona cordova
26.04.2019 : le zorba, paris, france– duet with Laurent Perrier. also playing : Nous Deux (NSDX), Olga Bost
13.04.2019 : souffle continu, paris, france– DJ Set for Record Store Day. also playing : Rikki Marshall, Sylvain Vanot, Franck Marguin, Gaël Segalen, Joachim Montessuis
16.03.2019 : macao, milano, italy– trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay. also playing : Monica Hits The Ground, Heith
09.03.2019 : sunset / sunside, paris, france – as a guest of Gary Lucas. also playing : Jean-Philippe Rykiel, Laurent David, Yassine Body, David Konopnicki, Davide Combusti (The Niro), Francesco Arpino
17.02.2019 : lafayette anticipations, paris, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay. also playing : gratuit
13.10.2018 : mediatheque musicale de paris, paris, france – tribute to Daniel Johnston (w/ Lionel Vernois). also playing : Françoiz Breut, Stéphane Daubersy , Pierre Daven-Keller, Jérôme Castel
28.07.2018 : maison julien gracq, saint florent le vieil, france – duet with gilles weinzaepflen
28.06.2018 : pop in, paris, france – denis frajerman quartet (w/ carole deville, justine schaeffer)
27.06.2018 : maison de la poésie, paris, france – duet with gilles weinzaepflen
23.06.2018 : l’entrepot, paris, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay. also playing : Christophe, Pascal Comelade, Tristesse contemporaine, Alice Botté, Marc Hurtado, Vomir, Turzi, Rachid Taha, Yan Péchin, Fishbach, Olivier Brisson
13.06.2018 : le chair de poule, paris, france – solo show
09.06.2018 : cafe oto, london, united kingdom – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay. Special guest : Guy Harries. As part of blackest ever black party. also playing : Cucina Povera.
19.05.2018 : luki atelier, paris, france – private birthday party
18.05.2018 : le chair de poule, paris, france – denis frajerman quartet (w/ carole deville, justine schaeffer)
29.04.2018 : galerie plateforme, paris, france – denis frajerman quartet (w/ carole deville, justine schaeffer)
20.03.2018 : theatre le ring, toulouse, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay (also playing : collectif hapax)
02.03.2018 : le chair de poule, paris, france – as part of Klimperei. also playing : Mme Patate, Denis Frajerman
23.02.2018 : le lieu unique, nantes, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay (also playing : paddy steer, alex rossi)
04.01.2018 : balades sonores, paris, france – denis frajerman showcase (w/ carole deville, justine schaeffer)
15.12.2017 : accueil froid, nuke, amiens, france – quartet with jac berrocal + vincent epplay + jean detremont
08.12.2017 : domaine arny, bruyeres le chatel, france – l acoustics party.
27.10.2017 : le cube, issy les moulineaux, france – duet with tamara pitzer, as part of En Chair et En Sons Festival.
06.10.2017 : la fabrique, nantes, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay
29.09.2017 : les oreilles libres, radio libertaire, france – jacques prevert tribute
08.09.2017 : espace d’en bas, paris, france – duet with pierre bastien – also playing : pierre escot, agnes gayraud, olivia csiky-trnka,cécile mainardi, karine lebrun, charlene darling
18.05.2017 : pop culture shop, paris, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay – “Why” 7 inch single release party
22.04.2017 : cinco bodega, paris, france – solo , as part of jamais 2 sans 3 (w/ helena villovitch, black sifichi, constantin leu, nina kardec, etc)
21.03.2017 : eglise saint merry, paris, france – sonic protest festival – as part of nurse with wound (w/ steven stapleton, andrew liles, colin potter, quentin rollet)
17.03.2017 : le printemps des arts, monaco, france – as part of radio parfaite show – also playing : frederic acquaviva, amandine casadamont, jean luc guionnet, frederic kahn, sebastien roux, christian zanesi
22.10.2016 : le generateur, gentilly, france – as part of frasq festival – also playing : franck ancel, theo ceccaldi, giani caserotto, etienne brunet, charles dreyfus, francine flandrin, lea le bricomte + joel hubaut, elisabeth morcellet.
02.06.2016 : espace vitet, paris, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay
26.05.2016 : berghain kantine, berlin, germany – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay (w/ special guest felix kubin) – also playing tarquin manek + silvia kastel
06.03.2016 : espace mendes france – le lieu multiple – jazz a poitiers, poitiers, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay , live at the planetarium
06.02.2016 : la halle st pierre, paris, france – solo turnatables set, as part of Cabaret Voltaire centenial. Also playing Black Sifichi, Dinah Bird, ELisabeth Morcellet, Lea Le Bricomte + Joel Hubaut, Sandrine Lehagre.
18.12.2015 : la dynamo, pantin, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay, as part of festival magnetique nord. also playing wild classical music ensemble.
16.12.2015 : fdb, paris, france – private party for kids
11.12.2015 : olympic cafe, paris, france – a mutantine party. as part of Klimperei. also playing : ergo phizmiz, centre aere, Mme Patate, Denis Frajerman
27.11.2015 : mjc la fabrique, sens, france – 30 years of La Nuit Des Sauriens. as part of Klimperei. also playing : Edward Ka-Spel, Mme Patate, Denis Frajerman
12.10.2015 : la java, paris, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay, also playing Sylvaine Helary + Marco Quaresimin + John Niekrasz
26.09.2015 : ICA, london, united kingdom – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay, as part of blackest ever black party. also playing : Officer, Af Ursin, Ashtray Navigations, F Ingers, etc.
31.07.2015 : point ephemere, paris, france – solo show, also playing : pierre bastien
17.07.2015 : la boutique des frissons, paris, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay
23.05.2015 : librairie mona lisait, paris, france – duet with frederic develay as part of “une soirée pour rien” – also playing joel hubaut + lea le bricomte, francine flandrin, black sifichi, rodolphe alexis…
02.05.2015 : korzo, the hague, netherlands – rewire festival 2015 – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay, also playing : the bug, holly herndon, neneh cherry, oren ambarchi, gudrun gut + hans joachim irmler, etc
17.04.2015 : france culture, paris, france – l’atelier du son – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay, also playing : andy emler, jean michel espitallier, emmanuelle gibello, khalid k (listen)
14.12.2014 : la divagante, montreuil, france – solo for kids, private party
12.12.2014 : le bourg, lausanne, switzerland – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay, also playing : nout variations, 10lec6
12.12.2014 : radio espace 2, lausanne, switzerland – interview for magma (listen)
14.11.2014 : france culture, paris, france – interview for l’atelier du son (listen)
23.10.2014 : librairie mona lisait, paris, france – duet with frederic develay as part of “she loves control” – also playing joel hubaut + lea le bricomte, anna byskov, black sifichi…
13.06.2014 : caveau des legendes, paris, france – sextet with jac berrocal + vincent epplay + aldo romano + bagheera poulin + jc mahe, also playing franck dadure, komori
27.05.2014 : jane club, paris, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay, also playing : steve nieve, camille bazbaz, patrick eudeline, nicolas ullmann, lafayette , franck bellet, alexis mazzoleni, alain chenevière, phil almos, syd alexander, john mitchell, jim bauer, tom baigneres, fabrice gaignaud.
12.02.2014 : capc, bordeaux, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay as part of sigma events
26.01.2014 : theatre de verre, paris, france – duet with frederic develay as part of “pan total” festival
18.12.2013 : theatre berthelot, montreuil, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay as part of “la semaine du bizarre” festival.
16.12.2013 : france inter, paris, france – “ouvert la nuit” radio show, 2 songs live with jac berrocal + vincent epplay, also invited : pascal comelade , chloe moglia (listen)
17.11.2013 : tequila vroum vroum, castres, france – radio show on radiom
23.10.2013 : music addict, aubenas, france – radio show on frequence7
05.10.2013 : gaité lyrique, paris, france – as part of Q.i Q.i – Nuit Blanche 2013, with also Alvin Curran, Ergo Phizmiz, Fabrice Hyber, David Cunningham, Thomas Koener, Goodiepal..
08.09.2013 : cafezoide, paris, france – solo gig, playing songs written by caroline rodriguez, as part of music for toys festival
07.09.2013 : 1bis, ivry, france – playing with klimperei + denis tagu + solo gig, as part of music for toys festival
26.06.2013 : imal, brussels, belgium – solo gig, as part of bar.temp#4
22.06.2013 : salle des fetes, breuillet, france – l acoustics party
21.06.2013 : cité de la musique, paris, france – fete de la musique de paris momes
14.06.2013 : france culture, paris, france – interview + live for l’atelier du son (listen)
25.05.2013 : parc de la villette, paris, france – solo gig (w/ special guest vincent epplay), as part of Villette Sonique festival
25.05.2013 : parc de la villette, paris, france – workshop with kids, as part of Villette Sonique festival
25.05.2013 : gaité lyrique, paris, france – music for stage play by Virginie Yassef called “Ils traversent les pistes sur des morceaux de tissu pour ne pas laisser de traces”
28.03.2013 : souffle continu, paris, france – “grand huit” release party, with jac berrocal + vincent epplay
24.03.2013 : stazione di topolo, topolo, italy – “to be continued” live streaming with pauline oliveros, rhys chatham, eyvind kang, etc
11.03.2013 : maison laurentine, aubepierre sur aube, france – no more fukushima project, with grimo, sam nolin, klimperei, tycho brahe
22.11.2012 : centro cultural can felipa, barcelona, spain – festival nonologic – duet with eli gras, also playing truna, panotxa, la tija
13.10.2012 : place sainte croix, nantes, france – festival midi minuit poesie – duet with gilles weinzaepflen, also playing rodolphe burger, pierre alferi, franck vigroux, stephanie chaillou, ryan kernoa
31.08.2012 : espace d’en bas, paris, france – vincent epplay’s exhibition closing – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay
24.06.2012 : l’amourette, montreuil, france – david and caroline’s wedding – duet with berangere maximin, trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay, with toog and florence manlik
17.06.2012 : 48h neukolln, berlin, germany – radio show about bird’s migration – w/ ergo phizmiz, goodiepal, tucano…
26.05.2012 : festival one+one, dijon, france – w/ jac berrocal + vincent epplay, invited by arnaud labelle rojoux.
22.05.2012 : france musique, paris, france – w/ jac berrocal + ghédalia tazartes + altai khangai, radio show “a l’improviste” by anne montaron.
19.05.2012 : theater am ring, villingen-schwenningen, germany – duet w/ jac berrocal , as part of the Kernmacherei cycle.
18.05.2012 : nuits sonores, hotel dieu, lyon, france – duet w/ jac berrocal + special guests felix kubin + klimperei
15.05.2012 : espace b, paris, france – trio w/ jac berrocal + vincent epplay, also playing orion rigel dommisse
12.05.2012 : T2G, theatre de gennevilliers, gennevilliers, france – music for stage play by Virginie Yassef called “Ils traversent les pistes sur des morceaux de tissu pour ne pas laisser de traces” (as part of the tjcc festival)
10.05.2012 : bouffes du nord, paris, france – sextet w/ jac berrocal + ghedalia tazartes + altai khangai. as part of “la voix est libre”. also playing : joelle leandre, serge teyssot gay, fantazio, pascal picq, bernard combi, raphael quenehen…
07.05.2012 : radio fpp, paris, france – muzaik radio show with blaise merlin, peter corser, ridan
15.04.2012 : l’international, paris, france – as a special guest of Lionel Fondeville. also playing : carton sonore, tycho brahe, artuan de lieree
07.04.2012 : gaité lyrique, paris, france – music for stage play by Virginie Yassef called “Ils traversent les pistes sur des morceaux de tissu pour ne pas laisser de traces” (from April 7 to April 15)
15.03.2012 : naherholung sternchen, berlin, germany – duet with alessandra eramo, corvo records party with jassem hindi + axel dörner
11.01.2012 : ateliers claus, brussels, belgium – trio w/ jac berrocal + ghédalia tazartès, also playing : chris brokaw + stephen o’malley
07.12.2011 : la bellevilloise, paris, france – as a guest for the tsimtsoum show (klezmer music)
18.11.2011 : l’inventaire, mjc jacques prevert, le mans, france – solo gig + quartet with pied gauche & bonne humeur provisoire
06.11.2011 : lokal-int, biel, switzerland – solo gig, as part of a mini swiss tour
05.11.2011 : plattfon records, basel, switzerland – solo gig, as part of a mini swiss tour
04.11.2011 : asahi picture news, zurich, switzerland – solo gig, as part of a mini swiss tour
03.11.2011 : websynradio, paris, france – radio show, exclusive playlist
02.11.2011 : france inter, paris, france – “ouvert la nuit” radio show, interview by aurelie sfez + 2 songs live listen
16.10.2011 : centre pompidou, paris, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay – as part of arnaud maguet’s “in my room” live sessions.
10.10.2011 : st andrew’s church, leicester, england – “hear this space”, with raphael vens, seth guy, simon emmerson, philip reeder
04.10.2011 : kobe, ivry, france – duet with eli gras, also playing jack wright + johan nystrom, juan matos capote
09.09.2011 : west germany, berlin, germany – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay, as part of the berlin music week festival. also playing antilles, miosine, mr pink.
27.08.2011 : la generale en manufacture, sevres, france – guitar solo, as part of le placard festival
25.06.2011 : france musique, paris, france – une chonique de clement lebrun
21.06.2011 : villa arson, nice, france – trio with jac berrocal + vincent epplay, also playing baron oufo, super reverb, les playboys.
12.06.2011 : baz’art festival, cave12, geneva, switzerland – duet with jac berrocal, also playing guigou chenevier, hum of life.
10.06.2011 : instants chavirés, montreuil, france – duet with jac berrocal, also playing bernardo devlin, la main traumatique.
20.05.2011 : la grange, longpont sur orge, france – l acoustics party
10.05.2011 : radio nova, paris, france – interview with ekia badou
08.05.2011 : cité de la musique, paris, france – duet with jac berrocal, as part of “jules verne et la musique”
06.05.2011 : la carène, brest, france – sampleurs et boules de gomme (workshop of electronic music with kids)
05.05.2011 : la carène, brest, france – duet with rhys chatham, as part of sonore festival
30.04.2011 : grande halle de la villette, paris, france – as part of 100 guitarists show django 100, with elios + boulou ferre, david reinhardt, romane, louis winsberg, mathieu chatelain, angelo debarre, rocky gresset, pierre manetti, etc
14.04.2011 : cave40, bourges, france – solo show + duet with gregaldur
09.04.2011 : l’embobineuse, marseille, france – duet with gilles weinzaepflen, also playing : joseph ghosn, oxbow (listen)
04.04.2011 : divan du monde, paris, france – trio with dominique grimaud + klimperei, also playing : shugo tokumaru
29.03.2011 : espace b, paris, france – duet with jac berrocal
11.01.2011 : galerie le 14, paris, france – music + dance duet with christina towle
09.12.2010 : galerie le 14, paris, france – music + dance duet with christina towle
04.12.2010 : bibliotheque robert desnos, montreuil, france – solo show
28.11.2010 : ring des abattoirs, billere, france – solo show, as part of acces(s) festival
27.11.2010 : mediatheque des allees, pau, france – solo gig + talk, as part of acces(s) festival
06.11.2010 : le tunnel, paris, france – quartet with jac berrocal + jean noel cognard + thierry muller (ilitch)
16.10.2010 : la generale en manufacture, saint cloud, france – solo for headsets, as part of le placard / visionsonic festival
13.10.2010 : l’archipel, paris, france – solo gig, as part of the serendip festival. also playing : pierre bastien.
16.09.2010 : museo vostell malpartida, caceres, spain – trio with jac berrocal + ghédalia tazartès. also playing : phil minton + maggie nicols.
29.08.2010 : domaine national de saint cloud, saint cloud, france – electronic music with kids , as part of rock en seine festival
28.08.2010 : domaine national de saint cloud, saint cloud, france – electronic music with kids , as part of rock en seine festival
27.08.2010 : domaine national de saint cloud, saint cloud, france – electronic music with kids , as part of rock en seine festival
22.08.2010 : la pommerie, saint setiers, france – solo show, vernissage party for muriel rodolosse.
24.07.2010 : moulin de dionval, saint piat, france – solo show, as part of the RME#3 festival.
07.07.2010 : la java, paris, france – shortest solo show ever, as part of the “speed” festival
03.07.2010 : hotel des vils, clermont ferrant, france – solo show as part of the “3 candles in the ass” festival
26.06.2010 : temple de pentemont, paris, france – as part of the light and sound show “de zero à l’infini”, by franck ancel.
21.06.2010 : cité de la musique, paris, france – solo gig with toy instruments , as part of “la fete de la musique des enfants”
19.06.2010 : residence zilveli, paris, france – duet w/ jac berrocal. also playing : denis frajerman, joachim montessuis, la veuve electro.
12.06.2010 : chateau des gondi, joigny, france – solo gig with toy instruments
30.05.2010 : fofa gallery, montreal, canada – as part of the 60×60 + dance canada mix
20.05.2010 : la carene, brest, france – festival sonore 2010, trio w/ jac berrocal + ghedalia tazartes. also playing : fred frith, cluster, peter brotzman, joe mc phee, benat achiary, didier lasserre…
09.05.2010 : l’atelier, royere de vaissiviere, france – solo gig + trio w/ cyprien busolini + ozlem kaya
08.05.2010 : centre d’art contemporain, meymac, france – solo gig + trio w/ cyprien busolini + ozlem kaya
07.05.2010 : l’avant scene, aubusson, france – solo gig. opening for la pommerie.
29.04.2010 : la société de curiosités, paris, france – as a guest of farewell poetry (w/ richard knox, albert choukroun) + solo gig
11.04.2010 : blow club, rome, italy – improvisation w/ nico mangifesta, marco carcasi, lucio leoni, chris blazen..
10.04.2010 : fanfulla 101, rome, italy – solo gig. first concert in italy
27.03.2010 : ausland, berlin, germany – poppewaffen quintet w/ gino robair, liz allbee, ezramo and wendelin buchler.
26.03.2010 : le 104, paris, france – solo gig @ festival presences electroniques (radio france / ina grm)
10.03.2010 : france culture, paris, france – la vignette, interview by aude lavigne
05.03.2010 : savoir changer, roma, italy – video interview by laureline amanieux
04.03.2010 : la java, paris, france – guitar solo + duet with toog
01.03.2010 : les instants chavires, montreuil, france – show of the jerome fino movie filmed at lyon in december 2009 (rien à voir)
12.02.2010 : espace landowski, boulogne billancourt, france – soloist in the toy piano orchestra w/ michael wookey, kim, kawaii, tycho brahe, etc (also playing : margaret leng tan)
04.02.2010 : radio libertaire, paris, france – radio session @ epsilonia
21.01.2010 : olympic cafe, paris, france – duet with rhys chatham (also playing : kumquat)
17.01.2010 : france musique, paris, france – trio with jac berrocal + ghédalia tazartès (art’s birthday – radio broadcast on 15 european radio stations).
16.01.2010 : le bon accueil, rennes, france – trio with jac berrocal + ghédalia tazartès (+ special guest : zap pascal).
06.01.2010 : popin, paris, france – solo gig. also playing : nuage nuage, sam nolin.
17.12.2009 : la société de curiosités, paris, france – 4 a table recording session, with laurent chambert, matthieu ponroy, adrien kanter.
16.12.2009 : udo, paris, france – solo gig, turntables and electric guitars.
10.12.2009 : ecole superieure d’art, quimper, france – conference about listening, recording and writing with sound.
03.12.2009 : la société de curiosités, paris, france – recording now (6) : duets with rhys chatham, berangere maximin, claude parle, jac berrocal, denis frajerman, toog, sacha gattino.
02.12.2009 : tvm television, montreuil, france – tv interview
28.11.2009 : le doc, saint germain d’ectot, france – solo gig. also playing : rhun.
23.11.2009 : maison de la radio, paris, france – radio session, exclusive track for tapage nocturne (france musique). berlin wall falldown, 20 years after.
21.11.2009 : chez marinette testud, pollionnay, france – private show for her 90th birthday. also playing : jean francois plomb, yann leguay.
19.11.2009 : le drugstore, lille, france – solo gig. also playing : nuage nuage, :take:
12.11.2009 : la société de curiosités, paris, france – recording now (5) : duet with pierre alexandre tremblay
05.11.2009 : fast video / pixel, copenhagen, denmark – short videos of jerome fino
22.10.2009 : la société de curiosités, paris, france – recording now (4) : trio with jac berrocal + ghédalia tazartès (+ special guest : quentin rollet).
11.10.2009 : staalplaat sound system, berlin, germany – short videos of jerome fino
15.09.2009 : france musique, paris, france – electromania radio show.
13.09.2009 : maison de la radio, paris, france – radio session, tapage nocturne (france musique)
31.08.2009 : madame claude, berlin, germany – solo gig. also playing hilot lilanth
29.08.2009 : avantgarde festival, schiphorst, germany – solo gig in jean hervé péron’s farm. also playing : nurse with wound, faust, chris cutler, dagmar krause, etc.
26.07.2009 : le vaisseau, paris, france – festival le placard, turntables solo.
04.07.2009 : les voutes, paris, france – schizophonic cabaret (pascal comelade party) – trio with jac berrocal and ghedalia tazartes + vince taylor song with pascal comelade, general alcazar and jac berrocal.
28.06.2009 : radio sans fuite, brussels, belgium – radio data noise w/ joachim montessuis, yann leguay, jf blanquet, etc.
27.06.2009 : glazart, paris, france – w/ klimperei, mme patate, denis frajerman – festival music for toys
26.06.2009 : le 1bis, ivry, france – kim’s toy orchestra w/ kim, kawaii, cyrille bardinet – festival music for toys
26.06.2009 : tvm, montreuil, france – television interview on tvm.
24.06.2009 : atomium, brussels, belgium – felix kubin’s birthday party : duet with toog.
21.06.2009 : cité de la musique, paris, france – fete de la musique des enfants / paris momes
19.06.2009 : cité de la musique, paris, france – show at le musée de la musique.
12.06.2009 : la société de curiosités, paris, france – recording now (3) : duet with dominique grimaud + films by dom labreuil.
01.06.2009 : france musique, paris, france – electromania radio show.
29.05.2009 : la société de curiosités, paris, france – recording now (2) : duet with sebastien roux.
27.05.2009 : parc de la villette, paris, france – villette sonique : workshop open to all audiences.
26.05.2009 : parc de la villette, paris, france – villette sonique : workshop for teenagers.
25.05.2009 : parc de la villette, paris, france – villette sonique : workshop for kids.
21.05.2009 : france culture, paris, france – duet with gilles weinzaepflen at studio 168.
16.05.2009 : radio campus paris, paris, france – duet with gilles weinzaepflen at euphonie.
15.05.2009 : l’antipode, rennes, france – w/ klimperei + mme patate. show for adults.
15.05.2009 : l’antipode, rennes, france – w/ klimperei + mme patate. show for kids.
09.05.2009 : cité de la musique, paris, france – show at le musée de la musique.
06.05.2009 : emmetrop, bourges, france – solo show. festival bandits mage.
05.05.2009 : cité de la musique, paris, france – show at le musée de la musique.
24.04.2009 : la société de curiosités, paris, france – recording now (1) : duet with toog / gilles weinzaepflen.
18.04.2009 : la société de curiosités, paris, france – mat contrarié, with laurent chambert, marie moor, gilles sivilotto, amandine casadamont, benoit vedrenne
07.04.2009 : galapagos art space, brooklyn, usa – vox novus 60×60 dance party. watch
03.04.2009 : forum des images, paris, france – festival nemo : eyes for ears videos .
10.03.2009 : la java, paris, france – dust party (w/ patricia maincent, norbert godon, etc).
16.11.2008 : ultimate picture palace, oxford, england – lab partner 2008 (music videos and concerts).
21.08.2008 : espace soubeyran, crest, france – festival futura (opening concert)
14.06.2008 : glazart, paris, france – festival music for toys
12.06.2008 : olympic cafe, paris, france – duet with daniel palomo vinuesa
08.06.2008 : parc de la villette, paris, france – villette sonique, with klimperei + mme patate
07.06.2008 : parc de la villette, paris, france – villette sonique, solo show
30.05.2008 : pflugerstr. 11, berlin, germany – short videos of jerome fino
30.05.2008 : steim, amsterdam, netherlands – one week residency, composing for wiek hijmans + pow ensemble
01.05.2008 : l’epicentre, cherbourg, france – solo show + norman bambi + ergo phizmiz
16.04.2008 : le reservoir, paris, france – w/ klimperei, ayerbe, frajerman, mme patate, perreaudin
12.04.2008 : mjc, sens, france – festival de la recup w/ thierry madiot, les hauts de plafond
01.03.2008 : ateliers claus , brussels, belgium – solo gig + concert w/ klimperei + palo alto + grimo + mme patate
09.02.2008 : frac le plateau , paris, france – duet with sebastien roux
07.02.2008 : centre culturel bellegarde , toulouse, france – on tour with ergo phizmiz
03.02.2008 : l’etincelle , angers, france – on tour with ergo phizmiz
02.02.2008 : le bon acceuil , rennes, france – on tour with ergo phizmiz
01.02.2008 : le lieu unique, nantes, france – on tour with ergo phizmiz
31.01.2008 : olympic cafe, paris, france – on tour with ergo phizmiz, w/ camera trio + eric echampard
30.01.2008 : l’alimentation generale, paris, france – on tour with ergo phizmiz
24.01.2008 : pachinko, geneve, swiss – on tour with ergo phizmiz
23.01.2008 : le 102, grenoble, france – on tour with ergo phizmiz
22.01.2008 : data, marseille, france – on tour with ergo phizmiz
21.01.2008 : radio grenouille, marseille, france – on tour with ergo phizmiz
19.01.2008 : worm, rotterdam, netherlands – on tour with ergo phizmiz w/ talibam + static tics + steve beresford
18.01.2008 : la compilotheque, brussels, belgium – on tour with ergo phizmiz
23.12.2007 : son’art, bordeaux, france – madame patate’s christmas party.
22.12.2007 : mains d’oeuvres, saint ouen, france – arbouse recordings night, duet with thousand
18.12.2007 : streaming live show on aurelienpotier.net – duet with aurelien potier
13.12.2007 : festival face c, geneva, switzerland – guitar and robots show
12.12.2007 : house show – chez camille chambon, paris, france – guitar solo
27.11.2007 : maison de la radio, paris, france – radio session, tapage nocturne (france musique)
29.09.2007 : ateliers claus, brussels, belgium – festival currated by lukas simonis
19.07.2007 : festival metz en fete, metz, france – w/ klimperei, grimo, perreaudin, santelli, frajerman
15.06.2007 : la maison des clowns, antony, france – music for the play by giovanna d’ettorre, as part of the “festival solstice” event
03.06.2007 : l’ogresse, paris, france – prepared guitar solo + duet w/ frantz loriot
29.04.2007 : en marge, paris, france – w/ klimperei, pascal ayerbe, grimo, perreaudin, santelli
28.04.2007 : en marge, paris, france – w/ klimperei, pascal ayerbe, grimo, perreaudin, santelli, tazartes
13.04.2007 : extrapool, nijmegen, netherlands – audiotoop 6 horspiele festival
11.04.2007 : wfmu radio show for ergo phizmiz, new york, usa – exclusive 20 minute track
22.03.2007 : galerie en marge, paris, france – duet with gino robair
04.03.2007 : l’ogresse, paris, france – duet with stephane rives
03.03.2007 : le divan du monde, paris, france – festival purple van club
26.02.2006 : merrill ellis intermedia theatre, denton, usa – vox novus 60×60 mix
23.01.2007 : l’ogresse, paris, france – duet with steve arguelles
12.12.2006 : mains d’oeuvres, saint ouen, france – duet with andrea parkins
18.11.2006 : salle olympe de gouges, paris, france – w/ daniel palomo vinuesa, pacal dalmasso & stefano cavazzini
13.11.2006 : chez patricia dorfmann, paris, france – home sweet home #1, private gig with barzin
02.11.2006 : mills college, oakland, usa – vox novus 60×60 mix
26.10.2006 : espace landowsky, boulogne billancourt, france – festival bbmix, duet with shugo tokumaru
24.10.2006 : maison de la radio, paris, france – radio session, tapage nocturne (france musique)
5.10.2006 : opa, paris, france – festival brocoli
16.9.2006 : 21 grand, oakland, usa – jon raskin music plus one cd release party
15.9.2006 : 1510 performance space, oakland, usa – duet with gino robair
14.9.2006 : the luggage store, san francisco, usa – prepared guitar solo
9.9.2006 : couvent des récollets, paris, france – festival transports non communs
4.8.2006 : la generale, paris, france – festival le placard
17.6.2006 : mediatheque associative, toulouse, france – david fenech quartet + ramona cordova tour
16.6.2006 : sonic, lyon, france – david fenech quartet + ramona cordova tour
15.6.2006 : le duplex, st martin le vinoux, france – david fenech quartet + ramona cordova tour
14.6.2006 : mediatheque associative, toulouse, france – david fenech quartet + ramona cordova tour
10.6.2006 : mjc centre, cherbourg, france – david fenech quartet + ramona cordova tour
9.6.2006 : le bobar, nantes, france – david fenech quartet + ramona cordova tour
8.6.2006 : mains d’oeuvres, saint ouen, france – david fenech quartet + ramona cordova tour
7.6.2006 : la malterie, lille, france – david fenech quartet + ramona cordova tour
6.6.2006 : la ferme du biereau, louvain la neuve, belgique – david fenech quartet + ramona cordova tour
2.6.2006 : el inca, bordeaux, france – david fenech quartet + ramona cordova tour
1.6.2006 : el inca, bordeaux, france – david fenech quartet + ramona cordova tour
25.5.2006 : radio libertaire, paris, france – duet with daniel palomo vinuesa
11.5.2006 : le kitchup, paris, france – solo gig + centenaire
15.4.2006 : la fleche d’or, paris, france – duet with ramona cordova
12.4.2006 : glazart, paris, france – duet with ramona cordova
9.4.2006 : the yellow house, baltimore, usa – david fenech + ramona cordova us tour
8.4.2006 : big pink, philadelphia, usa – david fenech + ramona cordova us tour
7.4.2006 : 120 hamilton, new brunswick, usa – david fenech + ramona cordova us tour
6.4.2006 : bard college , annandale on hudson, usa – david fenech + ramona cordova us tour
5.4.2006 : radio bean, burlington, usa – david fenech + ramona cordova us tour
4.4.2006 : 1627 st hubert, montreal, canada – david fenech + ramona cordova
3.4.2006 : pearl street complex, biddeford, usa – david fenech + ramona cordova us tour
2.4.2006 : massachusetts college of art, boston, usa – david fenech + ramona cordova us tour
1.4.2006 : new paltz cultural collective, new paltz, usa – david fenech + ramona cordova us tour
31.3.2006 : bubby’s, new york, usa – david fenech + ramona cordova us tour (w/ essie jain + turner cody)
4.3.2006 : point ephemere, paris, france – david fenech + hervé zénouda + guillaume loizillon + laurent saiet (tribute to moondog)
17.12.2005 : point ephemere, paris, france – atelier d’instruments diy
16.12.2005 : point ephemere, paris, france – eloise, the musical tamagotchi
10.12.2005 : la plage, paris, france – soirée cartilage, solo gig and djing
23.10.2005 : salle d’art lyrique, boulogne billancourt, france – festival bbmix (concert)
23.10.2005 : salle des fougeres, boulogne billancourt, france – festival bbmix (eloise, the musical tamagotchi)
18.10.2005 : radio hopital, boulogne billancourt, france – interview
18.10.2005 : radio campus, paris, france – l’extra balle
1.6.2005 : popin, paris, france – david fenech + antoine vimal + stephane milochevitch
28.5.2005 : point ephemere, paris, france – electro cabaret de fluctuat.net
6.4.2005 : streaming internet – live @ nomusic royal battle
2.4.2005 : mains d’oeuvres, saint ouen, france – festival discobabel (solo + duets with ghedalia tazartes, moka)
25.10.2004 : radio aligre, paris, france – interview par cyril hoffmeyer (emission songs of praise)
13.10.2004 : streaming internet – live ((nomusic))
9.10.2004 : maison de la radio, france inter, france – interview par valli (emission systeme disque)