compilation – documents
release date : 2008
label : trace
this is a compilation of 12 music based on the same set of samples. the documents used for these musical pieces go from indian recordings to man ray speech, from jacques lacan to daisy… a strange unity rises from the diversity of proposals. a very interesting album.
Tracklisting :
01. hervé zénouda – there is an object
02. falter bramnk – dérive controle
03. guillaume loizillon – china pop
04. radio wonderland – against the objects
05. jean-françois pauvros – trash
06. laurent saiet – across the indian frontier
07. david fenech – nothing is really useless
08. groupe d’essai numero 3 – l’intrus
09. pierre-yves macé – edgar’s speech
10. markus muench – alien invasion
11. frank dufour – flo-s
12. ilitch – les promeneurs duchamp de mars
preview the album here (flash plugin needed)