The first digital single from O_U_T_R_E_N_O_I_R, the duo formed in 2024 by David Fenech & Marie-Pierre Rixain. The single is called Anybody Else Awake, and is released on the Hublotone label (which released Winter Family’s stunning album “On Beautiful Days”). You can listen to it on the usual streaming platforms by following this link, or watch the video clip below.

We asked the legendary Noel Summerville (a true sound magician, renowned for his work with The Clash, My Bloody Valentine, Kraftwerk, The White Stripes, Donna Summer, Stereolab… to name but a few) to do the mastering. The cover photo is by Antoine d’Agata (Magnum Photos). We’re absolutely in admiration of his photographic work and films, his very particular way of doing things… and it’s a great joy for us to work with this fantastic artist who has invented his own language, so secret and so singular. The page layout is by Elodie Boissau. Many thanks to Hugo and Adrien of the Hublotone label.

Our video clip co-directed with Marie Pierre Rixain: