a deconstruction of the “kitchen” album that digiki recorded. he provided the sounds and then he re-arranged everything. the cd includes contributions from many musicians including momus, pandatone , marxy, the mittens brigade…
the first record by juliet quinn, released on the universinternational label. david’s contribution is minimal he sings in the car on the road to the mimi festival.
a compilation by julien quint aka juliet quinn. includes a strange remix of ring my bell by david fenech. and otomo yoshihide, raymond scott, miles davis, metal urbain, matmos, negativland, polysics, boris…
david fenech was asked to compile a mixtape for La Blogotheque. he chose to make a virtual trip around the world. from Pekin to Jerusalem via Tokyo and Hawaii.
salzinsel is an independent magazine dealing with culture and arts in luxembourg. for its first issue, salzinsel offered a compilation with its first 200 copies.