Tag: 2010

In January 2010, David Fenech, Jac Berrocal and Ghédalia Tazartès played live from “La Maison de la Radio” in Paris. This recording was selected for the French contribution for a compilation of a selection of best moments from the “art’s birthday events” between 2005 and 2010. This CD is released by the European Broadcast Union and includes tracks with Markus Popp (Oval), Jaap Blonk, Kaffe Matthews, etc.

The FareWell Poetry collective performs an exclusive live set for Spring 2010. Including Richard Knox (Glissando, Gizeh Records), David Fenech, Albert Choukroun (Medecine Music) as guests. Recorded live @ La Société de Curiosités, Paris, France, April 29th 2010 by Maxime Champesme & Olivier Lombroso.