compilation around moondog, including a rare interview of moondog by saul smaizys, made around 1971 in chicago. with joseph racaille, mami chan, pusse, ilitch, norman bambi …
excellent but super rare compilation of toy pop from france and japan : with david fenech, mami chan, pascal comelade, dragibus, harpy, ammakasie noka, klimperei , frank pahl, itoken.
compilation from the belgian label ubik (based in brussels) with two different silk screen covers (a yellow and a red one). this compilation was made as a support for the label. with contributions by andre herman dune, kim, dragibus and the french and blegian underground pop scene.
An indie rock compilation from the French label Paperplane. including tracks by Avocado Baby, God is my copilot, Yummy Fur, Dragibus, Yximalloo, Wilfried, Serge Comte, Kim… Brit pop à la française ?
a compilation tape with great bands such as god is my copilot, cornershop, seefeel, silver jews, paste. this tape contains the first recordings of Guy Manuel de Homem Christo + Thomas Bangalter + Laurent Brancowitz (under the darlin moniker), before they formed the well known band Daft Punk.